How to Help Your Clients Lose Weight with Hypnosis: Insights from Didi Verg

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How To Help Your Clients Lose Weight With Hypnosis Insights From Didi Verg

Hypnosis can help your clients lose weight, but only if you know how to do it right. Learn these techniques from the expert Didi Verg.

If you are a hypnotist who wants to help your clients lose weight, you may be wondering what are the best techniques and strategies to use. After all, weight loss is a complex issue that involves not only physical factors, but also psychological, emotional and social ones.

That’s why we invited Didi Verg, a certified hypnotist and NLP practitioner who specializes in weight management, to share her insights and experience with us in a guest training session at the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy.

Didi was one of Mike’s early students who learned Mindscaping. Mike and Didi go way back. Mike used to share Didi’s office space when he saw clients, back in the day. Didi is an expert in helping people manage their weight.

Didi said that she was fascinated with how Mike got results within a single session and wanted to share his knowledge with the world, which is how she ended up interviewing him for her first episode on the series ‘Miracles in Hypnosis’.

In this blog post, we will summarize some of the key points and techniques that Didi shared with us in the guest training session. You will learn how to:

  • Build motivation for change in your clients
  • Rewire their brains from unuseful habits
  • Create aversion to unhealthy foods
  • Use hypnosis to install positive resources and anchors

You’ll also discover how you can learn from some of the best hypnotists in the world who specialize in weight loss and many other issues.

How to Build Motivation for Change in Your Clients

One of the first steps to help your clients lose weight is to build their motivation for change. This is useful to do in any session for any kind of issue. 

Motivation needs to be drilled down not superficially, but into their very core. This can be achieved by asking relevant questions on ‘What they want’ and ‘What it would give them if they had it’.

For example, you can ask your client:

  • What do you want to achieve with hypnosis?
  • How will losing weight benefit you?
  • What will you be able to do or have that you can’t do or have now?
  • How will that make you feel?
  • What values or beliefs are important to you in relation to losing weight?

By asking these questions, you help your client clarify their goals and outcomes, as well as uncover their deeper motivations and reasons for wanting to lose weight. You also help them connect with their positive emotions and states that will support them in their journey.

For example, most people have implicit biases and judge people on their appearance. That comes into play for a client struggling with weight. She also finds that clients typically come in with the belief that they are going to gain back the weight, due to the ‘on-off’ nature of diets. This is a belief they need to change.

With techniques like ideomotor signals and future pacing, Didi helps her clients install the resources needed to cement the change.

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How to Rewire Their Brains from ‘Unuseful Habits'

Another step to help your clients lose weight is to help them rewire their brains from what she calls ‘unuseful habits’ that may be sabotaging their efforts. These habits may include emotional eating, binge eating, snacking, overeating, or avoiding exercise.

She explains that interrupting patterns works very well to prevent clients spiraling into a bad emotional state including cravings and that a hypnotist needs to help clients recognize harmful patterns.

First, she helps clients understand how while they can work themselves up into a frenzy (create the state) they can also ‘uncreate’ the state and get themselves in a better one. She then gets them to do Melissa Tiers’ bilateral stimulation technique, a right and left brain stimulation activity that works as a pattern interrupt (moving a bottle from one hand to another as an example).

She gets the client to first worry themselves up, recognise this pattern and then does a pattern interrupt. In doing so they learn to rewire their brain and get themselves into a place that is more resourceful.

Didi believes, as we do, that a hypnosis session is a co-creative process where the client has to put in the work too. If the hypnotist is working harder than the client, then it’s time to let them go.

She also uses the timeline technique, future pacing them when she works with a smoking client. This helps a client who isn’t at threshold to get there. At that point, if they are ready to put in the work, then one can choose to work with that particular client as there’s a higher chance of helping them bring about change.

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Unhealthy Foods

How to Create Aversion to Unhealthy Foods

Another step to help your clients lose weight is to create an aversion towards unhealthy foods that may be triggering their cravings or overeating. This way, they don’t have to rely on willpower, which often never works.

She uses their food cravings and a future timeline (with a bad feeling), collapsing them together to build an aversion. That way, willpower does not come into play at all.

She also uses submodality shifts to build aversion. She then does the same thing, but this time with a positive anchor so they can see and feel the difference.

For example, you can ask your client to think of a food that they crave or overeat, and then ask them to imagine how they would feel in the future if they continued to eat that food. 

You can then ask them to make the image bigger, brighter, closer, louder, and more intense, until they feel a strong negative emotion. You can then ask them to associate that emotion with the food, and repeat the process until they feel a strong aversion to it.

Similarly, you can then ask them to think of a healthy food that they enjoy or would like to eat more of, and then ask them to imagine how they would feel in the future if they ate that food regularly. 

By asking the client to repeat the process of making the image bigger, brighter, closer, louder, and more intense, they eventually feel a strong positive emotion. You can then ask them to associate that emotion with the food, and repeat the process until they feel a strong attraction to it.

You can then test the results by asking them to think of both foods and notice how they feel differently about them.

How to Use Hypnosis to Install Positive Resources and Anchors

The final step to help your clients lose weight is to use hypnosis to install positive resources and anchors that will help them maintain their motivation and behavior change. These resources and anchors may include confidence, self-esteem, relaxation, empowerment, or any other state that your client needs or wants.

Didi uses various hypnosis techniques to help her clients access and amplify these resources and anchors. Future pacing, for example, uses guided imagery to help the client visualize themselves in the future having achieved their desired outcome and feeling the positive emotions associated with it

By using these techniques, Didi helps her clients create a positive feedback loop that reinforces their motivation and behavior change. She also helps them transfer these resources and anchors into their everyday life, so they can access them whenever they need them.

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How To Learn Hypnosis From the Best Hypnotists in the World

Didi Verg shared with us some of her best techniques and strategies that she uses in her own practice, based on her personal and professional experience.

If you want to watch the full recording of this guest training session, as well as many other guest training sessions, from some of the best hypnotists in the world, you can join the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy today.

The Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy is the ultimate online hypnosis training platform that will teach you everything you need to know about hypnosis, from beginner to advanced level. You will learn both conversational and direct hypnosis, as well as how to apply hypnosis for various issues and goals.

You will also get access to a supportive community of hypnotists from around the world who are eager to share their knowledge and experience with you. And you will get certification testing included in your membership price!

So what are you waiting for? Join the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy today and start your hypnosis journey with us. You will have fun, learn a lot, and transform your life for the better.

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And remember: we bring a variety of guest trainers to share their knowledge with our students of the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy. This is just one of the many benefits of being a member of our online hypnosis training platform. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from some of the best hypnotists in the world. Join us today!

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