What an interesting question!
In this quick read of an article, you’ll learn an easy way to recognize the power each of us have regardless if we are introverted or not. Stay tuned to learn:
- Insights into the mind of an introvert
- The different types of hypnosis you might consider as an introvert
- The power question that changes everything
Let’s get started!
The best way to approach answering it is to keep in mind that although hypnosis may seem complex or strange, it’s really just a form of communication. And introverts are just as good as extroverts when it comes to communicating.
Of course, only some people who do hypnosis will end up being great at it; any more than every person who takes up basketball becomes a Michael Jordan. But anyone with reasonable intelligence and moderately good communication skills can become an adequate hypnotist.
But there’s another aspect to this that needs to be clarified. When we state that pretty well anyone can learn to be a hypnotist, it fails to take something important into account:
What kind of hypnosis are we talking about?
An introvert who decides to be a consulting hypnotist or hypnotherapist would likely have no problem at all, especially if they enjoy helping people. That’s because nothing in introversion would prevent that person from doing a good job.
Introverts prefer their internal thoughts and ideas to what’s happening externally. They also sometimes avoid crowds, choosing to be with one or two people, which works fine for someone doing hypnotic change work.
On the other hand, it’s less likely that an introverted person would take up entertainment hypnosis, although it’s not impossible. It’s just that being onstage in front of hundreds or even thousands of people would probably feel uncomfortable.
(Read: Stage Hypnosis vs. Hypnotherapy: What’s the Difference?).
Street hypnosis, on the other hand, tends to be less problematic. If an introvert can learn to adapt to doing hypnosis in the street, they will never encounter an audience as large as they would in a theater. This smaller audience size in the street can attract hypnotists who want to practice but would never go onstage.
We personally know a young man who is clearly introverted but still enjoys doing street hypnosis.
Learning street hypnosis can benefit all kinds of hypnotists because working with strangers in a public place can help develop self-confidence and excellent hypnotic skills. That’s because doing hypnosis in the street is a challenge. It’s chaotic and unpredictable and forces hypnotists to sink or swim.

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Another hypnotic area in which introverts can excel is the field of forensic hypnosis, which is hypnosis for the court system. Typically, a hypnotist has a lot of experience before working on their first criminal case. The opportunity usually arises because they already have a connection with the police.
A forensic hypnotist will work with a witness in the presence of police interviewers and will probably never have to give evidence in court. However, if they must testify before the court, they’ll have to be qualified by the judge as an expert, which is why a lot of solid hypnosis experience is a prerequisite for forensic work.
But here’s the bottom line question:
Does the introvert WANT to be a hypnotist? Because with that kind of motivation, there’s nothing to stop them. Even performing shows onstage isn’t off the table as an option, provided the introvert can have time to recharge away from the crowds of people.
There are different types of hypnosis and a wide array of people too.
We believe that a motivated person, introvert or extrovert, can learn the necessary skills to do any hypnosis at a very high level.
No matter what personality type you have, or whether you are a beginner or an already skilled hypnotist, the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy can take you anywhere in your journey. You’ll gain access to lessons on entertainment hypnosis, change work, and helping specific types of subjects with specific problems.
We’ve got something for everyone in their hypnosis adventure, so click here to claim your spot inside the academy! We’ll see you inside!