Self-Hypnosis for Memory Improvement

Filed under: Hypnosis Training

You probably already know that hypnosis is awesome for helping people overcome difficulties in their life, like stress, anxiousness, or unwanted emotions from the past.

But did you know that hypnosis is also capable of helping you unlock brand-spanking new superpowers and abilities? Really? Yes! Really!

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could remember a list, faces, or names with ease? What if we told you by using self-hypnosis you could install this new ability, like a mental upgrade to your brain and you could prove to yourself it was up and running?

In this blog post, you’ll unearth ways you can do just that. Plus, if you stick around to the end, you’ll discover how for about the cost of a pizza, you can install a better memory and have an awesome set of tools to build a better life.

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First, let’s talk about memory and how your brain works.

Memory & Your Mind

We often reference George Miller and the magic number 7 (± 2). This specifically is called Miller’s Law and is pretty simple in explanation, but of course is more complex than it sounds.

In simple terms, Miller’s Law is a way to remember that everybody is capable of maintaining about 7 bits of information in their conscious awareness, plus or minus 2.

This means on average, most people can keep 7 bits in their awareness, while some can do as many as 9, and others are only capable of as few as 5.

Having this information for hypnosis is one of the key principles that allows specific techniques to work so well, like confusion inductions or the Kinesthetic Ambiguity induction that Mike teaches in our Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy and in our Power Inductions course.

So how does Miller’s Law help us when it comes to your memory and how it operates? Quite simply, Miller’s Law can also be thought of as a person’s short-term memory.

Miller’s Law & Short-Term Memory

When it comes to your short-term memory, Miller’s Law makes it easy to understand why phone numbers are about 7-digits long. Having 7 bits of storage to remember something right away has become a staple in your evolutionary development as a human.

It does have its draw-backs because the difference in your short-term memory and long-term memory is how the brain encodes and decodes the information.

Imagine your short-term memory as an electrical scratch pad, where you only have just enough space for about 7 different things. You can activate this scratch pad with your concentration and attention.

This means if somebody gave you a phone number to recall, as long as you were concentrating on the number, like repeating it in your head or saying it outloud, chances are you could probably make it to a phone in time and dial that number correctly.

The problem with short-term memory though is that it requires your concentration and attention. This is an active task that can become draining.

Imagine your frustration if you were attempting to remember the phone number from a few moments ago and just as you were getting ready to make the call, somebody interrupted you and started talking about their Aunt Ruth’s blood pressure medicine.

You inform them you don’t have time to talk, and by the time you reach the phone to make the call, the number has long disappeared.

Talk about pulling out your hair frustration! Ughh!

This is the major pitfall with attempting to use your short-term memory to remember something for a long period of time. Anything that overloads your short-term memory or breaks your concentration can cause information and data to slip through the cracks. This is another reason why attempting to study by cramming is extremely ineffective.

So what is long-term memory?

When your brain goes into long-term storage mode, something interesting happens. Inside your brain is a special little protein called kinase c.

According to, protein kinase c plays a key role in learning and memory storage, specifically with how long-term memories are encoded and decoded.

What’s incredible about the way memories are stored and represented is that it happens unconsciously and can only be understood through something called your representational systems.

Representational Systems & VAK

Representational systems are how you understand the world around you through your sensory organs. Some people are highly Visual, some are highly Auditory, while others are highly Kinesthetic. (also known as V.A.K)

Note: Everybody uses all of the representational systems while favoring primarily one or two.

If you are the kind of person who is visual, you probably see pictures or movie reels in your mind. When you remember an experience, it will probably be very visual, sometimes black & white, sometimes in color. You might remember your past experiences like they are full screen movies or images, or sometimes the movies or images will be small with a frame.

Auditory people are similar to visual, except they are more in tune with sounds and dialog. If you are primarily auditory, you probably remember conversations really well and your memories lean heavily on the way things sound, how loud or soft they were, what the rhythm of somebody’s voice is, or the tamber in how they talk.

Kinesthetic, as you can imagine, are sensory based. Kinesthetic is primarily emotion or physical sensations, but kinesthetic can also include taste (gustatory) and smell (olfactory). If you are mostly kinesthetic, then you probably really remember how you felt in past experiences. You can empathize well with others and naturally place yourself in their shoes. You might remember how specific people made you feel or specific sensations around physical contact.

Regardless of whatever representational system you utilize, all of them use something called modalities and within these modalities are submodalities. 

Modalities and Submodalities

Here is a fun fact you probably didn’t realize. You’ve already learned what modalities and submodalities are. If you’ve done any type of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) training then you already know what we are talking about.

However, if you’ve never done any NLP training then you are in for a real treat and are about to discover something really awesome. (and if you would love to learn NLP, we suggest clicking here)

Earlier when we talked about the types of representational systems (VAK) we explained what some of the ways were in which you probably remember your past experiences.

The modalities of your representational systems mean the Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic portions. Which simply means the submodalities are the smaller chunks of the modalities.

Some submodalities include how something looked (color or black & white), how it sounded (loud or quiet), or how it felt (soft or hard / happy or sad).

Protein Kinase C and Long-Term Memory Storage

So when you are placing a memory into long-term memory storage, this little protein is taking a snapshot of your representational systems. That includes how you see it, hear it, feeling it, smell it, and taste it. 

Once it does this, you now have all the building blocks of a memory. That’s because all memory is stored through your representational systems. 

Really! Give this a go.

Think of the last time you felt really happy, like hearing a long lost friend’s voice for the first time, or seeing somebody you really love. Really, and we mean really go into the experience. Close your eyes so you can take in how specifically you remember something.

How was that activity for you? How do you remember past experiences?

Whatever way you remembered the memory, you were getting a first-hand experience with how your mind stores and retrieves long-term memories.

Your Unconscious Mind’s Attachment And Association

Now you know what your representational system is, and how you remember past experiences. But it goes just a bit deeper than that.

Your unconscious mind is the part of your brain that stores something called archived memory. These are the memories and things to remember that typically need some type of jump start.

Imagine you were learning a foreign language in highschool, like French or German. You spent a few years learning it and got pretty good at remembering many of the words and their associations in English. 

After highschool, you probably started working right away or you went off to college, and unless your job, family life, or college educational degree was in a second language, you’ve long but forgotten the foreign language and their word associations.

Suddenly you decide later in life you want to pursue learning French or German again and start taking night classes. Suddenly you are picking up the words and you’re easily understanding them. 

How is this possible? Could it be that you have a magical elf inside your ear who only speaks French and German?! No, probably not.

(The home of the ear elf)

What’s really going on is your unconscious mind stored the information into your archived memory and retrieving it required a quick refresher of the data. Just like a folder that was tucked away on a shelf somewhere in the basement, once your brain was reminded of the knowledge you needed, your unconscious mind went and found it.

How efficient! 

The truth is, your unconscious mind is making these connections at a rate of about 2 million bits per second. It’s taking in your surroundings, hearing all the words, phrases, vocal inflections, and attaching meaning, feelings, emotion, and a deeper understanding of the world around you.

All of this is happening outside of your conscious awareness. Your brain performs these association in various ways, and the more ways it creates these unconscious associations, the quicker and more efficiently you can remember things.

In other words, make more internal connections = better and improved memory.

When you think of a red apple, you are making loads of unconscious associations, like the color, how it sounds when you drop it on a hard surface, the texture of the skin, how it smells, how it tastes, where you last ate an apple, the time of day, etc.

We think you get the point. That’s a LOT of connections and associations.

Notice how all the various ways you might make the associations line up with your representational systems, the modalities, and submodalities?

This is why tying a string around your finger to remember something important can work well with simple tasks. You are creating a new connection and association with wanting to remember something. 

This is also why creating associations through rhymes (called mnemonic linkages) can be so powerful.

How To Unlock A Super Power With This Knowledge

Okay, so you just discovered how your brain uses a protein to help you remember things and it does this through your representational systems. Now what?

The truth is, most people go their whole lives without knowing this information. Maybe this was you until a few moments ago. 

So when it comes to having the knowledge, we firmly believe that application is the seed that makes it stick. It’s time to learn how to apply this knowledge and unlock a super power.

In our Memory Power Hypnosis Audio product, Mike Mandel teaches you an incredible way to remember lists of items, faces, and practically anything else you want to store into memory.

One of the ways is by using your representational systems and creating mnemonic linkages.

This simple and powerful technique will give you the superpower of being able to remember anything in a list, forwards or backwards, or in random order, and get it right 100% of the time.

Here is how it works for a list of 5 things:

Step 1: Take each number and find a word that rhymes with it. For example, one and gun, like a revolver, two and shoe, three and tree, etc. We give you a full list in the Memory Power training, so you don’t need to make up your own list.

Step 2: Now visualize each of those numbers and then visualize the rhyming word and how it’s best represented to you. Really get into the visualization. Take one and gun, for example. Imagine a giant cowboy style revolver. Make it super shiny and silver and imagine it’s huge and cartoon like. You’ve now created an association with the number one and the gun.

Step 3: With each of the items in the list that you want to remember, you are now going to make another association along with the number and the rhymed word. So if the 3rd item in the list for example was toilet paper then you would do this.

  • Imagine the number 3.
  • Now imagine a word that rhymes with 3, like a tree.
  • Now imagine the tree is covered in toilet paper.

The tree covered in toilet paper is just a suggestion. In reality you’d vividly imagine whatever your brain unconsciously generates.  You can’t do this wrong. It’s so easy! 

Step 4: Repeat the process for each of the items in the list.

By creating as many new associations as possible by visualizing and imagining with as many representational systems as possible, that little protein kinase c will begin creating new connections and links making it much easier to remember.

Using Self-hypnosis To Solidify Your Super Power

As we mentioned, our Memory Power audio program is the fast track to automatically remembering names, faces, lists, and practically anything else you want to remember.

Memory Power contains 2 audio tracks. The first track is a training track to teach you, in depth, ways to use your brain to remember things better. Track two is an awesome self-hypnosis track to effortlessly install this new memory super power into your mind, locking in this new ability forever.

In other words, Mike does all the heavy lifting for you, so you can sick back, relax, and enjoy a wonderful mental journey, all while installing a powerful new ability.

That sounds pretty darn incredible, doesn’t it?

The best part about Memory Power is just how dang affordable we made it! If you can hold off on buying a large pizza at your favorite pizzeria, you can improve your memory AND your entire life! 

We say that because not only will you get the Memory Power audio training program, but you’ll get our entire Personal Growth Membership, full of amazing tools, techniques and hypnosis audio track to build an awesome life.

Memory Power takes about an hour of your time, which we personally think is pretty fast, isn’t it? Heck, we’ll even throw in some extra bonuses as a thank you!

Click here to learn even more about Memory Power and how in just a short amount of time you can install a pretty awesome super power.

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