How To Be Hypnotized Faster as a Hypnotist

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How To Be Hypnotized Faster As A Hypnotist

You may be a great hypnotist already, but in this blog post, we’ll show you how to be a great hypnotic subject.

That’s because many hypnotists experience difficulty going into hypnosis themselves. For one reason or another, they just can’t bring themselves to sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.

There are three easy ways we can deal with that:

  1. Trust your unconscious.
  2. Turn off your analytical mind.
  3. Find a hypnotist you trust.

1. Trust Your Unconscious Mind

We often educate our clients about how the unconscious mind is powerful and competent. We say it protects us all the time when we’re in trance, which is important, because we go into trance every single day. We say this to remove resistance and permit them to rely on the power of their unconscious to make changes. The irony is in how we sometimes fail to remind ourselves of that. 

As a hypnotist, you may understand the power of hypnosis profoundly. As opposed to someone who fears hypnosis due to knowing close to nothing about it, you may know so much about the subject that you become resistant. For some reason, your knowledge and experience end up being responsible for keeping you from enjoying a nice, relaxing hypnotic trance.

If that’s the case, repeat to yourself what you always tell your clients. That your unconscious is always protecting you. Because you already know that, and because that’s the truth.

2. Give Your Analytical Mind a Vacation

If you’re familiar with ego states, you know there is a part of you that wants to analyze every detail of the situation.

That ego state may be the reason you’re having trouble going into trance. It keeps butting in and interrupting your every attempt to experience a pleasant hypnotic journey. The solution, as Robin Shapiro explained in her amazing book, Easy Ego State Interventions (click here to buy), is sending that unhelpful ego state off on a vacation for a certain amount of time. 

Use the frame of giving that ego state a much needed recharge, and let it go fishing, playing golf or whatever it wants to do in the meantime. You have to do this consciously as you catch yourself criticizing the hypnosis process. As you become aware that an inappropriate ego state is in charge, remind yourself to just let it go.

Then bring in an ego state who wants to and would enjoy simply going into the hypnosis experience and reaping the rewards from it. That’s an ego state you’d much rather have running the show every time you go into hypnosis.

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3. Find a Hypnotist You Really Trust

You should be able to go into self hypnosis easily by trusting your unconscious mind and giving your analytical self a vacation for a moment. But if, for some reason, you’re still having difficulty going into hypnosis, find a highly respected hypnotist you can practice with.

Rapport and prestige make all the difference in hypnosis. As you probably already know, a subject will be far more likely to successfully go into hypnosis and make long-lasting changes if they like, trust and respect you. That’s true for you, too. So find a hypnotist you highly trust and respect that you can work with.

You likely know someone already. If not, you can also consult our list of MMHA Certified Hypnotists, or you can search for someone in your area. In any case, choose someone with years of experience in the field, and who you trust can help you with whatever problem you have because they know what they’re doing.

Hiring another hypnotist will probably cost you some money, but it’s the willingness to invest in yourself that moves you forward.

What’s Next?

If you wish to have a powerful hypnotic experience right now, use Journey to the Castle. This hypnosis audio recording carefully crafted by Mike Mandel, a world-class hypnotist with decades of experience, will take you deep into trance and help you explore the depths of your unconscious mind.

Click here to download Journey to the Castle for free.

And because, as we mentioned, you should always be willing to invest in yourself, check out the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy, a comprehensive online hypnosis training program designed for experienced hypnotists as well as beginner students. It’s completely free to get started.

Click here to get started with the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy.

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