Should you learn hypnotic language patterns? Can they help you become a more powerful communicator? The resounding answer is YES. That’s because hypnotic language patterns are snippets of language that are often very useful for changing a person’s state and redirecting their attention or their emotions.
Often a hypnotic language pattern is used to bypass resistance or discharge emotion that leads to resistance towards a particular suggestion. Our good friend Freddy Jacquin often describes hypnosis as a two step process:
1) Create an emotion;
2) Give a suggestion.
Hypnotic language patterns can help you do this.
Why are hypnotic language patterns useful?
Hypnotic language patterns are useful in so many areas of life. The possibilities really are endless.
Hypnotists can use these with clients. That’s fairly obvious, isn’t it?
Sales people can cleverly present the benefits of buying something. Remember people buy based on emotion and justify with logic (Can Hypnosis Help You Sell?)
Parents can use this to influence children or quickly shift the emotional states of kids.
Employers can use this to deal with staff in ways that opens their potential and helps them operate at their best.
Employees can use this to deal with difficult bosses.
Lawyers use hypnotic language to elicit emotions in a jury.
Teachers can use hypnotic language to create a sense of deep curiosity in students! Curiosity is the ultimate learning state.
But isn’t this mind control?
No, hypnosis is not mind control or manipulation. Hypnotic language patterns are just elegant ways to shift people’s emotional states and offer suggestions to increase the likelihood of effecting the change that you want to create. But it does not bypass free choice or create any sense of forced action on the part of the listener.
Besides, we’d like to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have positive intentions to help people, rather than self-serving behavior.
Examples of Hypnotic Language Patterns
Here’s a short video where we share a few hypnotic language patterns for you to learn. Then, if you want to learn more you can certainly do so through books, videos, or this deck of hypnotic language cards.
Here are the four patterns we share in the above video.
Presupposition: As soon as … you’ll …
A presupposition means that you must assume something is true in order for the sentence to make sense to the listener. The statement that is assumed to be true is generally not challenged. It is automatically accepted. Without resistance.
Double bind: Will you (x) or (y)?
When you offer a person two alternatives that essentially lead to the same end result, you get your desired outcome without the other person pausing to critically evaluate the choices.
And yet …
When you respond to a complaint with the “and yet” pattern, you cause the other person to re-evaluate the situation with fresh eyes. It’s very useful in fixing bad emotions!
There’s no need to (x)
When you use this pattern you’re putting a prefix around your hypnotic suggestion. There’s no need to learn hypnotic patterns. There’s no need to lie awake all night obsessing over this material. Have fun with this!
Conversational Hypnosis Free Course
We also have an awesome free course that teaches you how to use conversational hypnotic language and generate something called never ending sentences. It’s only 45 minutes long and a lot of fun! Will you sign up for it right now, or regret missing out?