Sharpening the Hypnotic Blade

Filed under: Hypnosis Training

by Mike Mandel

Like any expert craftsman, I know the importance of keeping my tools sharp.

Tomorrow morning the countdown begins...

Now I know that sounds ominous, but it isn’t really. The countdown is simply a metaphor to kick my brain into gear for what’s looming on the horizon; which, despite sounding ominous, is not.

You see, in two weeks' time, the world comes to Toronto for the Architecture of Hypnosis five-day intensive training, and since I’m the one who teaches almost all of it, I need to be prepared.

My friend Ryan called me on this once, and said I could teach it with no preparation at all, since I’ve lived and breathed hypnosis for over fifty years.

He’s right, of course. I could be dropped into our class and teach the course right now if I had to. But I never would, because it’s essential that I bring my best possible self to the event.

To that end, I spend nearly two weeks power-reading around forty hypnosis books, highlighting and making extensive notes, both physical and electronic. I quite literally cram as though I was training for an examination written by my peers.

But it goes beyond that.

My metaphor is that my hypnosis knowledge is like a blade that needs a very keen edge, and I ensure it stays razor sharp by honing it twice per year.

Additionally, as the training approaches, I exercise several times a week and avoid brain-slowing junk food and excessive carbs. And during the training, I fast all day, which allows my brain to run on ketones instead of sugar, keeping me alert and energized.

I take cognitive support drops too, made from gingko and herbs from ayurvedic medicine theory. This sublingual liquid boosts oxygen and glucose uptake in my brain, aiding both study and teaching.

So why am I telling you all this?

I've learned that important endeavors require proper preparation, a lesson that eluded me in high school, much to my parents' chagrin.

And this IS important.

We’ve framed Toronto as the Hypnotic World Epicenter, and I really believe that it is. We’ve positioned our training as the finest hypnosis training available anywhere, and ensure we deliver the goods to the international students who’ll be arriving soon.

And for them, we make those five days a life-changing experience, as evidenced by the ones who keep coming back for more.

People like Lawrence, who’s already trained to our highest level, but is making the trip from Ireland for the third time at his own expense, just to be a resource for the new students.

And then there’s Kathryn from the Isle of Man, who’s become a very dear friend. She’s a phenomenal hypnotist, and will be back for the fourth time in two years, to help the newbies learn.

Let’s not forget Maggie, the retired Ontario Provincial Police constable who’s an amazing resource, and will be back for the umpteenth time, as will Lisa, a therapist so skilled, I send her only the most difficult referrals.

So I’ll do my part and continue to prepare

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And it gets harder every time I teach. Not because I’m older, but because in addition to what I already know, I continue to study and learn new therapies and techniques I can impart to my students.

And all these new methods need to be reviewed, to ensure I’m teaching them accurately and effectively. And this means I can no longer adequately prepare in a single week.

It’s closer to two weeks now.

But at the end of that time the blade will be razor sharp. Because that’s what my newest crop of Hypnotic Storm Riders deserve. Especially the few in the Master Hypnotist training, who’ll be taking their already consummate skills up another notch or two.

And in those five days, the students will see with their own eyes, the amazing power of hypnosis.

Like Eli, whose sensitivity to carrots and celery was removed in ten minutes. We know it was gone, because he tested it in front of the class and ate a stalk of celery with zero symptoms.

Like Rick who had a severe fear of flying, until his brain software was updated, and his fear disappeared, enabling him to fly without stress for the first time in years.

The Architecture of Hypnosis takes psychiatrists, medical doctors, chiropractors, and dentists, and turns them into superb general practitioners of hypnosis.

And it does the same thing with so-called ordinary people too!

By the end of the five days, everyone leaves with near-magical powers, to help change the world and relieve suffering, one person at a time.

To me, and my fellow trainers, Chris Thompson and Timothy September, hypnosis is a life-skill that everyone needs and all can benefit from.

Have you ever thought of joining us?

The next 2024 training will be here in Toronto in November.

And the word is getting out, because it’s already about half full…

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