Hypnotists: don’t make these mistakes that can make your clients feel worse after hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help people overcome various problems, such as anxiety, phobias, addictions, and chronic pain. However, hypnosis is not a magic bullet that can solve any issue without any risk.
In fact, hypnosis can sometimes lead to suboptimal outcomes if it is done by an unskilled or unethical hypnotist. In this blog post, we will explain some of the potential pitfalls of hypnosis and how you as a hypnotist can avoid them.
In this blog post, we’ll cover:
- The potential pitfalls of hypnosis.
- How to avoid these pitfalls and ensure the best outcomes.
- Where to get high-quality and affordable hypnosis training.
What are the Potential Pitfalls of Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility that can be used to promote positive changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. However, hypnosis can also have some drawbacks if it is done incorrectly or inappropriately. Some of the potential pitfalls of hypnosis are:
Poorly trained hypnotist. A hypnotist who lacks proper training and experience may not know how to tailor the hypnosis session to the specific needs and goals of the client. They may also use inappropriate or harmful suggestions that can cause adverse reactions or unwanted side effects. For example, a poorly trained hypnotist may suggest that a client forgets their traumatic memories, which can lead to repressed emotions and psychological problems later on.
Failure to future pace. Future pacing is a technique that involves testing whether the change has been successfully integrated in the client’s mind. It involves asking the client to imagine a future scenario where they encounter a situation that used to be challenging before the hypnosis session and checking if it is still challenging after the hypnosis session. Future pacing helps to ensure that the change is durable and effective. However, some hypnotists may neglect to do future pacing or do it poorly, which can cause the change to be temporary or incomplete. This can cause the client to be discouraged and disappointed.
Abreaction. An abreaction is an emotional outburst that may occur during hypnosis when the client recalls a painful or traumatic memory. An abreaction can be a sign of healing and catharsis, but it can also be distressing and overwhelming for the client and the hypnotist. A skilled hypnotist knows how to handle an abreaction safely and compassionately, by providing support, reassurance, and guidance to the client. However, an unskilled hypnotist may panic, ignore, or mishandle an abreaction, which can cause more harm than good.
Working on an issue beyond one’s competence. Hypnosis can be used to help with a variety of issues, but some issues require more expertise and care than others. For example, hypnosis can be used to help with medical conditions, such as chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, or cancer. However, these conditions require proper diagnosis and treatment by a medical professional before using hypnosis as an adjunct therapy. A hypnotist who works on these issues without proper medical supervision or referral may cause more harm than good. Therefore, a good hypnotist knows to stay within their scope of practice.

How Hypnotists Can Avoid Causing Suboptimal Outcomes
As a hypnotist, you have a responsibility to provide safe and effective hypnosis sessions to your clients. You also have an ethical obligation to follow the standards and guidelines of your profession and your organization. Here are some tips on how you can avoid causing suboptimal outcomes of hypnosis:
Get proper training. Before you practice hypnosis on anyone, make sure you have received adequate training from reputable trainers. You should also keep your skills updated by attending courses and workshops on hypnosis regularly. Learning hypnosis is a never ending journey.
Assess your client’s suitability for hypnosis. Before you start a hypnosis session with a client, make sure you have assessed their suitability for hypnosis. This involves screening them for any medical or psychological conditions that may require medical referral. You should also evaluate their motivation and readiness for change, their expectations and goals for hypnosis, and their level of suggestibility and responsiveness. When in doubt, refer them out.
Establish rapport and trust with your client. One of the most important factors for a successful hypnosis session is rapport and trust between you and your client. You should establish rapport and trust by being respectful, empathic, attentive, and professional with your client. You should also explain what hypnosis is and what it is not, why to use hypnosis, what will happen during the session, and what are your roles and responsibilities as a hypnotist and as a client.
Use appropriate and ethical suggestions. The suggestions you use during hypnosis should be appropriate and ethical for your client’s issue and goal. You should avoid using any suggestions that are harmful, coercive, or misleading. You should also avoid using any suggestions that are against your client’s values, beliefs, or preferences. You should use suggestions that are positively stated, realistic, and specific, and that are tailored to your client’s individual needs and personality.
Learning How To Craft Direct Suggestions is one of the most fundamental skills a hypnotist must possess.
Do future pacing and follow up. After you have delivered the suggestions to your client, you should do future pacing to check whether the change has been successfully installed. You should also follow up with your client after the session to discuss their results, feedback, and next steps. You should give them suggestions or recommendations on how to maintain or enhance the changes they have made, such as self hypnosis, energy tapping, or crafting empowering questions.
Be honest and open. During the hypnosis session, advise your clients to be honest and open with their thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences. Encourage them to speak up if they feel uncomfortable, confused, or unhappy with anything that is happening. Remind them that they are in control of the session and that they can stop or change anything at any time. Also, advise them to be honest and open with themselves about their motivation and readiness for change. Remind them that hypnosis can only help them if they are willing and committed to make positive changes in their life.

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Ready to Learn More About Hypnosis?
Hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help people overcome various problems, but it can also lead to suboptimal outcomes if it is done by an unskilled or unethical hypnotist.
As a hypnotist, you can avoid causing suboptimal outcomes of hypnosis by getting proper training and certification, assessing your client’s suitability for hypnosis, establishing rapport and trust with your client, using appropriate and ethical suggestions, doing future pacing and follow up.
If you are interested in learning more about hypnosis and how it can help you and your clients, we have an amazing offer for you. You can get started at the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy for free!
This program will teach you everything you need to know about hypnosis in a fun and engaging way. You will learn both conversational hypnosis AND traditional direct hypnosis so that you can do hypnosis anywhere. You will also get access to our online community where you can interact with us, guest trainers, and students from all over the world.
Whether you want to learn hypnosis for personal or professional reasons, we have a solution for you. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your hypnotic potential and change lives for the better. Click here to start your free Test Drive at the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy.