Do you ever wish you could stop feeling bad?
We all have moments that linger in our minds. Maybe it’s something you said that didn’t land right, an argument that escalated too quickly, or an embarrassing moment you can’t seem to shake. The thing is, no matter how much you wish you could hit rewind, you can’t change what happened. But, what you can do is change how you feel about it.
This is where a powerful mental technique called dissociation comes in. It’s a simple tool that can help you let go of negative emotions tied to past events or even reduce stress in real-time situations. Dissociation helps you create some distance between yourself and the problem, making it easier to handle emotionally. Let’s dive into what it is, how it works, and how you can use it to feel better about pretty much anything.
What Exactly Is Dissociation?
Dissociation, in the context of hypnosis and NLP, is all about separating yourself from the emotion of a situation by changing how you mentally picture it. Think of it like stepping out of your own shoes and watching a memory or event from the outside, like a spectator. When you shift your perspective in this way, the emotional intensity connected to the memory starts to fade.
You’ve probably already done this without even realizing it. Ever notice that when you tell a story about something embarrassing that happened years ago, it doesn’t feel nearly as bad as when it was fresh? That’s a natural form of dissociation over time—your emotions have cooled down because you’ve distanced yourself from the event. But with dissociation, you don’t have to wait for time to pass. You can create that emotional distance in a matter of minutes by changing the way you think about it.
A Simple Dissociation Exercise
Let’s get practical. Here’s a quick exercise you can do the next time you feel stuck in a negative memory or feeling. It works wonders on things like past arguments, awkward encounters, or any moment that triggers that emotional "ugh."
- Pick a specific situation that still gets to you. It could be a moment when someone got the better of you in an argument, or maybe something you regret saying or doing.
- Visualize the moment as a picture. In your mind, imagine that event as a snapshot—like a still frame from a movie. See yourself and the other person in the image.
- Move that image away. Here’s the key: Imagine grabbing that picture and physically pushing it away from yourself. Make it smaller and smaller as you push it into the distance.
- Check in with yourself. Now, think about the event again. Chances are, the emotions tied to it feel weaker or may have even disappeared entirely. If they’re still there, repeat the process, pushing the image even further away until it loses its hold on you.
This technique works because your brain processes the event differently when it’s no longer front and center. You’re no longer inside the memory, emotionally attached to it—you’re an observer. And as an observer, it’s a lot easier to feel neutral about what happened.

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Playing with Submodalities
Dissociation is just the beginning. In NLP, there’s a concept called submodalities, which refers to the different qualities of how we imagine things in our minds. For example, when you think about a memory, you probably imagine it in a certain way—maybe it’s a vivid, full-color image, or maybe it’s like a video playing in your head.
By tweaking these submodalities, you can change how the memory feels. For example:
- Size: Shrink the image down until it’s tiny, like a stamp.
- Color: Turn the image from full color to black and white.
- Clarity: Make the image blurry or out of focus.
These small adjustments have a big impact on how much emotional weight the memory carries. The more you distort the picture in your mind, the less powerful it becomes.
Using Dissociation to Handle Stress in Real Time
Dissociation isn’t just for dealing with memories; it’s also incredibly useful in the moment. Imagine this: You’re in a stressful situation, maybe it’s a long flight, and turbulence is making you anxious, or you’re stuck in the dentist’s chair and feeling uncomfortable. In these moments, dissociation can help you stay calm.
Here’s how it works: mentally "float" out of your body and imagine observing yourself from a distance. You could picture yourself from above, like watching a drone shot of the situation. When you create that mental distance, the intensity of your emotions fades. You’ll still be aware of the situation, but it won’t have the same emotional grip on you, especially if you tweak the submodalities to downgrade the picture even further.
To make dissociation work, it’s important to get enough distance from the image in your mind. If the image is too close or too large, the emotions will bleed back in. You want to push it far enough away that it’s tiny, distant, and insignificant. The smaller and further away it is, the less impact it will have on your emotions. Just keep pushing the image further away until the emotions fade completely. If they start to creep back, it’s a sign the image is still too close.
In stressful situations, it’s all about changing your perception. You’re not ignoring what’s happening; you’re just seeing it from a different, calmer perspective. This helps you stay grounded and avoid getting overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.
Managing Disappointment and Criticism
Criticism can be tough to handle, especially when it feels personal. Whether it’s your boss giving you feedback at work or a friend pointing out something you did wrong, it’s easy to get defensive or emotionally reactive. But dissociation can help you handle criticism with a clear head.
Next time you’re in a conversation where you feel criticized, imagine stepping out of your own body and watching the conversation unfold from a third-person perspective. Picture yourself and the other person talking, but see the interaction from a distance. You’ll be more open to constructive feedback and less likely to take things personally.
DIssociation works well for handling frustration and disappointment, too. Do you ever get frustrated waiting for someone who’s late? You’re watching the clock, and with every passing minute, your frustration builds. If you’re someone who’s always on time, this can drive you up the wall.
As you wait, dissociate from the situation. This simple shift in perspective will help you let go of the emotional tension and reduce that bad feeling. You’re still aware that the person is late, but it won’t bother you as much. You’ve created enough emotional distance to feel more at peace.
What's Next?
Dissociation is a powerful mental tool for managing emotions—whether it’s dealing with difficult memories from the past or staying calm in stressful present-moment situations. It puts you in control of how you feel, no matter what life throws your way. With a little practice, you can start using dissociation to handle any negative emotions that pop up.
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