Mike Mandel and I are just a couple of guys who happen to run a global online hypnosis training business. We have thousands of students all over the world. Many of our online hypnosis students have become interested in hypnosis and wanted to add it to their existing non-hypnosis coaching business.
Gary Albert Hughes is a great example of exactly this. This guest blog post, written by him, is a beautiful story of adding hypnosis to a vocal coaching business, and the success he's achieved with clients as a direct result of this.
This is a short, but powerful read.

Hypnotist and Vocal Coach Gary Hughes
[Enter Gary Hughes!]
The capabilities of hypnosis seem to be as vast as the unconscious mind itself (and we all know how infinite that is).
However, when I decided to train as a hypnotherapist I could never have imagined the profound and thrilling ways in which it would expand and elevate my work as a vocal coach.
My name is Gary, I am a Transformational Performance and Voice Coach, Natural Medicine Practitioner and Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist. I specialise in helping my clients break through the limiting beliefs and physical health challenges holding them back in their lives and careers and ultimately to get the voice of their dreams.
Before hypnosis change was slow.
It used to take me many months and perhaps over a year to help my clients reach their vocal goals. That was before I knew about hypnosis, and the vast potential of the unconscious mind.
Using just technique, and zero hypnosis, it was a long, arduous and slow process. I work with a lot of celebrity clients including pop stars and bands. They don't have time to waste on older, less effective methods. They need results FAST.
Then I discovered hypnosis ...
To cut a long story short, I was suffering from severe panic attacks during my own vocal training at London's Royal Academy of Music.
Looking for a solution, I hired a famous Harley Street hypnotherapist. Much to my surprise and amazement, he cured me in one hour. No more panic attacks.
I spiralled into an obsessive exploration of the power of the mind over the body, and eventually the mind over the voice.
I began my training with a well known hypnosis trainer, Marisa Peer. Then more recently, I joined the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy to up my game.
I've witnessed miraculous transformations.
Since using hypnosis in my vocal coaching practice to say that I have witnessed miracles is an understatement.
The magical and awe-inspiring vocal transformations I have been privileged to see and hear changes often leave me, and my clients, tearing up from joy.
Singers are famously easy to hypnotize, as are most creatives who regularly swim around in the Alpha/Theta brainwave pool. It makes my job easy in that respect.
Added to that, singers and actors just love to go internal and explore what it is that makes them who they are. Again - an easy job for me. I never get any resistance from my clients. They go right with it.
Better results with less work?
I've discovered, and it has become a mantra of mine, that it is wholly possible to become the singer you want to be without the hard work, practice or exercises traditionally drummed into all who study the craft of vocal development.
Now please do not misunderstand me; I am not saying that zero action or effort is required. I just don’t use the words "practice", "exercise" or "hard work”.
Instead I say "play", "explore", "discover" and I use phrases like "prepare your mind body and voice to sing and perform phenomenally”.
With the right shifts in the unconscious and a revolutionary way of thinking about vocal development the unimaginable is possible in an equally unimaginable amount of time
The brain controls every single function in the physical body. A large part of our thinking mind influences many of those functions. Doesn’t it make sense to start with the brain and the mind when working on something physical, like the voice?
To me it does.
Free Power Inductions Tutorial
This free video tutorial shows you exactly how to perform Rapid and Instant inductions. Take what you learn in the client interview and create lasting change easily.
These two clients made my cry like a baby.
Let me give you an example of one of the most incredible experiences of my life.
Client X came to me with Psychogenic Dysphonia. That's a fancy way of saying she lost her voice without traditional medicine being able to explain why.
She'd been in a traumatic car accident, and for the next two years her voice was limited to a hoarse whisper.
She had a long and emotional life story in which she never spoke out against the injustices against her.
In just one 60-minute session I gave her full permission to finally say everything she had always wanted to but never could (in hypnosis of course). Her voice erupted back into its full capacity.
Click here to hear how dramatic this change was. It's no wonder we were both crying with joy as she realized her voice had returned to normal.?
Client Y was as a singer who had been working with me for 3 years and had not managed to improve very much in that time.
I tried everything I knew to no avail. I was at a loss. “I am good vocal coach” I would lament. “The results I get with everyone else are great” I bemoaned.
The day I graduated as a hypnotherapist I put Client Y into hypnosis to get to the root cause of his inability to move forward in his singing.
We discovered powerful limiting beliefs created as a young boy about not trusting his decisions, needs and desires.
We cleared them up and reprogrammed powerful new beliefs of trust, self-belief and deep inner confidence. I did a powerful visualization around who he wanted to be as a singer and how he wanted to sound. We went really deep.
I asked him to sing upon coming out of hypnosis and the voice that blossomed from his mouth still gives me tingles up and down my spine as I type it. I sat staring at him dumbstruck, speechless (which is very rare!), crying (again!),
I realized that at that moment I had witnessed the birth of a new frontier in singers training. I have named it Voice Revolution.
I bring all sorts of modalities into my practice as a vocal coach. I trained as a Kinesiologist, natural medicine practitioner, hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist (with Marisa Peer) and more recently with the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy.
I love supporting my clients with a truly holistic program of treatment and development to help them reach their vocal, career and life goals.
Since studying the Mike Mandel approach to hypnosis I've been able to get incredible results without even having to put clients into actual hypnosis! This is a whole other ball game.
Using conversational hypnosis, Ericksonian metaphors, confusion techniques and NLP has been a genuine revelation to me. I can now help clients in a flash, backstage, right before they go on stage. In these situations there is zero time to do some long drawn-out hypnosis induction.
The skills I've learned with the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy have given me an expansive, exciting and magical toolbox that I find simply thrilling and it has been so easy to learn and apply in my current practice.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, it does!
Free Rapid and Instant Inductions Tutorial from Mike Mandel
This free video tutorial shows you exactly how to perform Rapid and Instant inductions. Take what you learn in the client interview and create lasting change easily.
About the guest author: Gary is a Transformational Performance + Voice Coach, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist and Natural Medicine Practitioner. He works with clients internationally in person at his clinic, The Balanced Performer, or on Skype. He helps clients with their physical health challenges, limiting beliefs and voices.