Do you want to learn the secrets of how to deliver presentations that are engaging, memorable, and effective? Do you want to master the skills of hypnotic language and conversational hypnosis, which can make you a more confident and influential speaker?
If you answered yes, then keep reading. In this article, you’ll discover:
The three key elements of fascinating presentations and how to apply them.
How to use hypnotic language to make your communication more powerful and impactful.
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We call it the 3 E’s because all of them start with the letter E. They are the fundamental elements of a great presentation. We don’t mean to say that there aren’t any other variables involved. Instead, we’re saying that without these three components, it’ll be very difficult to make a good presentation that engages the audience.
Let’s dive into them
As with most other skills, experience is bound to be one of the key components of what makes a presentation good. Mike has been a stage hypnotist for decades and has given countless keynote speeches and presentations to corporate groups and other types of audiences. The guy is just very experienced!
Of course, experience isn’t magically obtained. It needs to be built … So go freaking do it!
A person needs to get out of their comfort zone and go up on stage to obtain the experience that will eventually make them a fascinating speaker. Which means if you’re struggling with presentations, one of the best ways to get better at it is by doing more presentations.
Duh … Easier said than done, right? Getting out of one’s comfort zone is never that simple.
Thankfully, there’s an easy way you can go up on stage right now and act as if you already have tons of experience. I’ve just described it to you.
Confused? Read the last paragraph again.
We’re talking about the ‘As If’ reframe. It is one of the most efficient ways you can gain a lot of experience fast. Just act as though you already have it! Watch the video below to understand how the ‘As If’ reframe works, or just keep on reading.
By acting as if you’re already experienced at giving presentations, fully persuading yourself that you already have that skill and taking on this persona; your body language, vocal tone and every aspect of your communication will be completely congruent. You’ll feel confident and give the audience the impression that you already are an experienced speaker. The more you do it, the better at it you’ll get.
Even though nonverbal communication usually matters a lot more than the actual words being said, that doesn’t mean you can just say anything in a presentation and expect it to be good. To be a good presenter, you have to know your subject well.
Don’t Be a Duck
(Yes, you read that right)
Have you ever observed ducks and how they behave? They’re one of the oddest birds in nature, especially in their inability to be any good at anything they do.
They can fly, but only for short distances. They can walk and run, but in a clumsy and funny-looking fashion. They can swim, but only very slowly and on the surface.
The duck has all the abilities that an eagle, an ostrich and a penguin have. The only problem is, when compared to its feathered peers, the duck is awful at all of them. It can’t fly as high as an eagle, it can’t run as fast as an ostrich and calling what it does “swimming” seems inappropriate considering what the penguin is capable of.
The point is: you can’t be good at everything. Everyone has a different expertise, and you need to decide what yours is. Pick a topic you’re interested in and study it thoroughly. You must be a specialist at what you’re talking about. It’s going to make your presentation worthwhile.
If you attempt to be a competent speaker at every subject, you’ll end up mediocre at best.
As Olivia Fox Cabane puts in her best-selling book, The Charisma Myth, “attention is a precious resource, just like time and money.” Any time an audience is devoting their time and attention to your presentation, they’re making an investment they expect to be compensated for. You must deliver value in your speech. That could be (and usually is) by giving them useful information that they can apply, but also through entertainment.
A boring presentation is the last thing you need. It’ll make people leave with the impression that your entire speech was terrible even if you’ve provided relevant information. Find ways to make your presentation interesting in a way that fits well with your personality.
Use strong eye contact, throw in a bit of humour every now and then and do things that will draw people’s attention. Hypnotists such as Mike Mandel, for example, are fascinating. They inspire wonder and curiosity. But magicians do that too, and so do motivational speakers and some politicians.
Watch fascinating presenters and observe what they do to engage their audience so you can model their techniques. This doesn’t mean you have to hypnotize someone or make a rabbit come out of a hat to be entertaining. There are obvious limits to what you can do depending on the situation, but use the same principles to make the presentation enjoyable and fun.
In a nutshell: just be you, but a little better 😉
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Bonus: How to Use Hypnotic Language
Another way to make your presentations more fascinating is to use hypnotic language.
Hypnotic language is a set of techniques that can influence and persuade people by using words in a specific way. One of the most important techniques is the use of linkages.
Linkages are words or phrases that connect different parts of your speech and create a smooth flow. They also help you avoid word whiskers, which are filler words like “um”, “uh”, “like”, “you know”, etc. Word whiskers can make you sound hesitant, nervous, or unprepared, and they can distract the audience from your message.
The most important linkages are:
- And as
- Because
- Which means
By using linkages, you can keep your speech well-paced and engaging, while at the same time creating a hypnotic effect on the audience. Linkages can also help you structure your speech in a logical and coherent way, and make transitions between different topics or points easier.
For example, instead of saying:
“I’m going to talk about the benefits of meditation. Meditation is good for your health. It can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve your mood.”
You can say:
“Today, I’m going to talk about the benefits of meditation, which means you’ll learn how to improve your health and well-being in a simple and natural way, because meditation can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve your mood, as you’ll discover in the next few minutes.”
Notice how the second sentence sounds more confident, engaging, and persuasive than the first one. That’s the power of hypnotic language.
There are many other hypnotic language tools that you can use to make your presentations more fascinating, such as presuppositions, embedded commands, metaphors, and more. If you want to learn more about them, you can check out our hypnotic language cards and our free conversational hypnosis course, which I’ll tell you more about in a moment.
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In Conclusion
To sum up, the 3 E’s to becoming a fascinating presenter are:
- Experience: Get out of your comfort zone and practice your presentation skills. Use the ‘As If’ reframe to act as if you already have the experience you need.
- Education: Know your subject well and be a specialist at what you’re talking about. Don’t be a duck and try to be good at everything.
- Entertainment: Make your presentation interesting and fun for the audience. Use eye contact, humor, and other techniques to draw their attention and keep them engaged.
By applying these 3 E’s, you’ll be able to deliver presentations that are captivating, memorable, and effective. You’ll also be able to influence and persuade your audience with your words and your charisma.
But that’s not all. If you want to take your presentation skills to the next level, you need to master the art of hypnotic language. Hypnotic language can help you communicate with more confidence, clarity, and impact. It can also help you create rapport, trust, and cooperation with your audience.
That’s why we’ve created a set of hypnotic language cards that you can use to learn and practice the most powerful hypnotic language techniques. Each card has a hypnotic language pattern that you can implement in your daily speech. These cards are designed to help you master the skills of conversational hypnosis, which is the ability to use hypnosis in everyday situations and conversations.
But wait, there’s more.
We also have a free conversational hypnosis course that you can sign up for right now. This 45-minute course will teach you the fundamentals of conversational hypnosis. You’ll learn how to use linkages and other hypnotic language, how to structure your speech in a hypnotic way, how to deal with objections and resistance, and much more.
To get your hypnotic language cards, click here.
To sign up for your free conversational hypnosis course, click here.