Podcast #88: Thirteen Relationship Hacks

Welcome to Episode 88 of Brain Software with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson! We have only one question for you: Whatever happened to that old tranquility we used to know?

This podcast is all about relationships, and we’ve brought you 13 relationship hacks that can change your thinking and your behaviour.

Check out the show notes below while you’re listening. Keep sending us topic suggestions and show feedback. We love hearing from all of you!

Here are the show notes for this episode:

  • Mike’s retiring from the stage?!? Oh no…But he’s still going to be training Storm Riders worldwide. The final show ever is coming up in March 2018.
  • Buy one of our ubercool Brain Software shirts! There’s a huge bonus for you! ($100.00 worth!)
  • Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and a default mystery bundle!
  • This shirt will make you seem more powerful and attractive. It’s true!
  • Better relationships mean a better life! Skills map across.
  • People are not the same, folks! Deal with it…
  • We all react in our own ways!
  • Ego States are great to learn about! Notice them in others, and in yourself too. Notice which one is executive!
  • The boyz forget to edit out the words “sexual vigour”.
  • Ego States are burned in neural pathways in your brain. Notice them becoming executive.
  • Find out which triggers cause different Ego States to become executive!
  • Open loops irritate people! They leave things hanging, and men especially hate open loops. Women: Give us closure! Please!
  • Zeigarnik Effect!
  • Yikes! Filler phrases again! Notice them and learn to stop doing them.
  • When a woman has PMS, you shouldn’t bring up that she has PMS! Be careful which loop you open…and when.
  • Learn to really listen! Make it clear you are listening too. Give the person your full attention by using Mike’s intention technique! Gotta love those tendrils of light!
  • If the person doesn’t give you attention. Stop talking and wait. It’s powerful.
  • The mythical Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy office building…
  • Put that phone face down and listen!
  • The John Grinder method of Rapport! Pretend that the other person is the most fascinating and important person you’ve ever met, and continue to congruently pretend it.
  • “Were there other women there, and were they wearing yoga pants?”
  • Beware reverse mind reading. Don’t expect other people to know what you’re thinking.
  • Be specific as to what you mean!
  • Learn your partner’s triggers that set off negative patterns. Then stop doing them.
  • Borderline people switch instantly! Mike has learned to stop triggering the “cockadoody” response.
  • Watch out for those auditory anchors. Mike used to get depressed on the road. Now he crafts his states.
  • We pause for station identification an an important message from our sponsor.
  • Learn the Love Language of your partner! There are 5 of them: Acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, gift giving. We discuss them in session 75 here
  • When you learn it, fulfill it!
  • Your relationship is a garden. Make sure you pull the weeds. Admit to faults. Avoid the triggers!
  • Generate light, not heat! There are 3 levels of argumentation!
  • Don’t EVER drop the Atomic Bomb! It’s a relationship killer. Be an adult.
  • Let things go! Choose to forgive, because it’s a choice. The feelings will follow.
  • Forgiveness does not mean condoning the bad behaviour! You can release the nasty person from your life.
  • Beware the Zombies! They’re arguments that come back from the dead. Mike says “cockadoody” again.
  • Learn to zip up your mouth! Let people finish their sentences. Milton Erickson listened intently, and so can you.
  • People like other people who make them feel good about themselves!
  • Chris says that Mike carries around a lot of weapons, making him seem like a psycho.

Empowering Question: Which of these hacks are you going to immediately apply to your relationships, and what results do you expect?

Metaphor: Gary Foo and the practical joke series.

Ending: You’ll have to listen. It’s our finest hour ever …

Please leave a rating in iTunes, and send in your questions by email to info(at)mikemandelhypnosis.com

Important Reminders:

Registration is open for our May 2018  Architecture of Hypnosis training in Toronto. It’s filling up already, so if you’re serious about attending get on board quickly. Click here for details!

Our first UK training is also coming up in November! It’s a hypnosis Master Class, so come on out! You get full certification in MINDSCAPING too…Go to the this page for details!

Get Your T-Shirt and FREE $100 in Training

Details are here, and the campaign closes on October 13th.