Welcome to Episode 87 of Brain Software with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson! These are days of victory! In this podcast episode we interview on of our favourite guys in the hypnosis profession – the amazing and hilarious Jason Linett from Work Smart Hypnosis.
Check out the show notes below while you’re listening. Keep sending us topic suggestions and show feedback. We love hearing from all of you!
Here are the show notes for this episode:
- Mike and Chris will be bringing the hypnotic storm to the UK this November. We start at the UK Hypnosis Convention and we then move onto a master class in Suffolk.
- We’re interviewing Jason later than expected because Mike had car problems on our originally scheduled date. But he did NOT die in a fiery crash and his car is fixed!
- Jason first got interested in hypnosis the same way Chris did!
- What hooked us on hypnosis: “Things are happening that are different than normal”.
- How did Jason get into hypnotherapy after first becoming interested in stage hypnosis? It’s all due to a horrible eBay accident.
- Mike discusses the immense overlap between stage hypnosis and hypnosis for therapy.
- In the early years, Jason wondered whether he should hide his hypnotherapy interests from his stage hypnosis audiences and vice-versa. He soon realized the error of his thinking.
- Jason used to work as a stage manager. Perhaps this is how he became so freaking well organized!
- Hypnosis seemed like a more “pure” way of doing magic versus carrying around a deck of cards, or other props. Effects of the mind …
- Mike used to do a huge stage show with pyrotechnics done by “Lunatech”, but Chris hears “Lunatics”, which sounds way funnier.
- Jason prompts Mike to call him a “special forces hypnotist” based on his approach to hypnosis sessions.
- As the “hypnosis market guinea pig” Jason won’t teach a marketing strategy that he hasn’t actually used himself. If you want to learn from someone who really knows his stuff, follow Jason!
- Mike and Jason discuss how much a theatrical background plays into doing therapy work with clients.
- While Jason takes marketing concepts and applies them to the field of hypnosis, Chris and Mike have a podcast that takes concepts from hypnosis and brings them to the lay person to apply in daily life.
- How the heck did Jason become such an outstanding public speaker? (because he really, REALLY is)
- Every scene has a reason. Every story has a purpose. Speaking is a theatrical performance!
- Listen to Jason explain why he would record the audio of his stage hypnosis shows and listen to it while driving home after the show.
- Looking to become an exceptional speaker? Map out the entire performance first. Know exactly what experience you want the audience to have.
- Mike shares a cool tip on how he lights up the audience’s receptive neural pathways just as he starts a corporate keynote.
- What can you do if your introduction completely FAILS to resonate with you audience? Mike shares a cool story from a friend.
- Chris points out that Jason doesn’t just change the behaviour of his clients. He helps them build a new identity where the problem behaviour doesn’t fit anymore.
- This fits in with Dilts’ Logical Levels from Podcast 74
- Jason’s best advice for hypnotists: Harness your specialty. Embrace what you’re good at. Example: Most hypnotists are crappy website designers.
- Want help learning the marketing side of hypnosis? Check out “Hypnotic Business Systems” and make sure to use promo code MMH to save 10% (the code also works at his hypnosis training site, Hypnotic Workers)
- Jason brilliantly explains how he duplicates himself via online webinars so that he doesn’t constantly have to repeat the same information to every new client. He looks for ways to just do something once. This concept is pure gold, folks. Pay close attention.
- We help people!
Note: The November 13 – 17 Architecture of Hypnosis training in Toronto is sold out, but we’ve opened up the May 2018 class and it’s filling up already. Get on board! Click here for details!
Our first UK training is also coming up in November! It’s a hypnosis Master Class, so come on out! You get full certification in MINDSCAPING too…Go to the this page for details!
Ending: The Bingo Game and King for a Day.
Please leave a rating in iTunes, and send in your questions by email to info(at)mikemandelhypnosis.com