Podcast #164 – Hypnotic Stories and Metaphors

Hello and welcome to the Brain Software Podcast. This is episode #164 where we discuss delve into all things hypnotic stories and metaphors. We've got a story for you...so let's get started!

Listen to the Episode:

Introduction for Episode 164

Hey what's happenin' Scro? Dr Dave Ambrose, the People's Physicist, is leading the show again - Sorry about that Brado...

But does it really matter, as long as we don't Ken Sweatman the story? 

All that really matters is:


This is the place to be, Guinea Pig laugh and all...BTW...you can still get Journey to the Castle for free!

Think Tank Words for This Episode


Show Notes for Episode 164

  • Enthusiasm shows up in handwriting! It's the length of the T bar...and it's a leadership trait!
  • You can sing with too much enthusiasm...
  • Stories, symbols and metaphors are part of every culture on earth!
  • "It is the stories they will remember..." - Carol Brickenden
  • Stories can engage the imagination and switch-on curiosity!
  • Stories will engage the emotions and make the stories hypnotic...
  • Stories can convey transformation!
  • Wise women, priests, rabbis and ministers all tell stories...
  • Overcoming challenges is the best part of storytelling...
  • The road is washed out, the banging has started, and the calls are coming from inside the house!
  • Some symbols are universal! A mountain is usually a symbol of challenge...
  • When you add a symbol to your story it will resonate in some way...
  • Mirrors are symbols of the unconscious mind! Alice went through the looking glass...
  • Hypnotically, a metaphor is a story that works like software in the mind...
  • "Which reminds me of a patient I once had..." - Milton H. Erickson
  • Stories from your own life a great, because you'll tell them congruently!
  • Isomorphism is a one-to-one correspondence...

     And now a word from our sponsor: The Shyzzjigg Corporation

  • A salubrious metaphor will cause a positive response in just about anyone you tell it to!
  • Always engage the person with your intention when you tell a metaphor...
  • Drop the old, tired stories and discard them! Create some new stories to tell to other people, and yourself!
  • Warning! Your metaphors will change over time...
  • Keep a journal of metaphors that are useful...
  • Problem solving: How is your problem like (x)?
  • Journey to the Castle contains numerous levels, and it's FREE!

Empowering Questions:

Ask yourself: What are the stories that you keep on telling...even if they're out of date...or no longer useful...and what is the story of your life...now that you know...how much it actually matters?

Metafive: Nino, Claudio, and the push stick...

Ending: Reverse Engineering with Mike on the Stratocaster...

Important Links and Reminders:

  1. The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
  2. This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.