We’re back with the best hypnosis podcast on the planet! Did you know Mike Mandel hypnotized Alanis Morissette when she was in high school? Scroll down to listen right here on this page. You’ll love the quotes technique! Test it out on someone who is annoying you.
Here are the show notes
What the heck are Dexter references doing in a hypnosis podcast?
Mike Mandel talks about using hypnosis for pain management, and explains the concept behind his Delphi Deck for creativity.
We also spend some time talking about how to deal with problematic people in your life. Is it really worth letting problematic people wreck any part of your life? We think not.
Chris Thompson tells a great story about a pink stuffed pig, and using metaphor as a therapeutic intervention with his children.
Ever wanted to say something to someone but felt uncomfortable saying it directly? Learn how to use the quotes technique.
Sign up for Mike Mandel’s upcoming hypnosis training: The training runs for 5 days the week of Sept 24-28th in Toronto. Registrations have already started, and we’re only taking a limited number of students.
Remember to go leave a rating in iTunes, and send in your questions by emailing info@MikeMandelHypnosis.com