Podcast #111 – Dealing with Toxic People

Welcome to Brain Software Podcast, Episode # 111 where we talk all about toxicity! Tons of it…

And be sure to check out the show notes below while you’re listening. Send in your questions and ideas for future episodes, because Chris and Mike enjoy including your questions in the podcast!

Here are the show notes:

  • This is how we do it! This is how we do it downtown!
  • Mike is doing the keynote at the Canadian Hypnosis Conference
  • We actually edited out an important announcement because it’s not public yet, and we don’t want to be the ones to spill the beans.  Stay tuned for episode 112.
  • Check out the May training because the price is going up on January 1st 2019…
  • Chris is allergy free! Hoorah!
  • Nonna in the UK did an amazing allergy cure! Don’t try this at home, folks!
  • Mike is wasp-safe now. Thanks William Wood!
  • The Dinner Guest Question…Who is on your list?
  • The Ultimate Hypnosis Starter Kit!

The Think Tank Word of the Day:  Missionary

  • Are toxic people parasites? Not necessarily!
  • Passive Aggressives! Everyone is passive aggressive sometimes…”I thought you meant…”
  • Watch out for internal unexpressed anger…it can lead to PA behaviour.
  • Covert Aggressives go even further. They’ll work against you!
  • Unmask Snipers! Flush them into the open!
  • Basement People drag you down, Balcony People lift you up!
  • Bullies! Intimidation is nasty.
  • Mockers! They make you look stupid in front of a group…

A word from our Sponsor

  • Downers! Their very demeanour can bring you down. Sometimes you have to disconnect!
  • Control Freaks aren’t necessarily toxic. People control in 9 different ways…
  • Control of being able to be in control? (Nice one, Chris!)
  • Networkers! They only want your friendship to get something from you…They’re takers!
  • Emotional Overloaders! They overwhelm you with their emotions!
  • Targets – Shlemiel or Shemozzle?
  • Projectionists! They see their stuff on you…It’s part of the Jungian Shadow…
  • Flatterers! No sincerity in what they say…
  • Narcissists bomb with love! Then they get control of you…so beware…

Empowering Questions: Ask yourself: In what ways am I toxic to others, and what will I do today to change my behaviour, to become who I need to be?

Empowering Metafive: The Orange Lights in the Sky

Ending: Henry Squatter, Secret Agent!

Please leave a rating in iTunes, and send us your questions for future episodes!  You can either email them as text or record them using your phone’s voice recorder and email us the audio file! Email address is info(at)mikemandelhypnosis.com

Important Links and Reminders:

Get our iPhone app NUVI at the App Store to learn Ericksonian language.

Our live class with James Tripp was an incredible success and you can pre-order the digital edition here.

SOLD OUT! Our November Architecture of Hypnosis training in Toronto is full. We are booking the course in May 2019 now! Book before the price goes up on January 1st, 2019.