Brain Software Podcast #45: Boring People Into Trance?

Brain Software hypnosis podcastWelcome to Episode 45 of Brain Software with Mike Mandel. This episode is a bit shorter than our usual, but it’s still full of fascinating and hilarious discussion about hypnosis and other fun stuff.

Here are the show notes for this episode:

  • Our May 12-16 Architecture of Hypnosis class is happening soon. As I publish these show notes we have 6 spots left. You can get details here.
  • We talk about a recent major train accident and the train engineer whose defense lawyer argued he was in a state of “highway hypnosis”. Is this a real thing?.
  • Mike and Chris have a conversation about one hypnosis trainer who claims that Milton Erickson used to bore people into trance. Is this at all true? Find out who actually DID bore people trance (it wasn’t Milton).
  • Want to know the ultimate rapport secret? Mike learned this from John Grinder years ago and it’s absolute gold.
  • We talk about NLP strategies, and Mike shares a cool way to *always* be able to find your car in a parking lot (how often have you parked somewhere and then not been able to find your car later?)
  • Vera in California sent in a question about intuition, and whether or not it’s real. Find out what Mike says, and whether it relates to hypnosis.

 Empowering Question: What are you going to do this year (and what are you going to stop doing) that is going to make 2014 the best year you have ever had??

Closing metaphor: The slide projector story.

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