Welcome back to sanity, boys and girls! A big bavartsch to all of you!
Introduction for Episode 262
Loochie? Yes.
Can you really stop us?
Can you stop us at all?
And remember, they’re both marsupials, so back to Keith Moon…
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 262
- Intersecting a person hypnotically is awesome
- Let’s affect the atmosphere by manufacturing good stuff
- Breaker ballsay!
- People are scared of all kinds of stuff…
- Misophonia is complex and has many forms
- Audiogenic Urinary Urgency!
- FARS - Feline Audiogenic Reflex Seizure
- Misophonia is probably anchored…
- Marie who whispered in Breaking Bad drove Mike insane!
- There is often if not usually a reason in the past for people’s strange stuff…
- Crunching popcorn is horrible!
- Paul and Dave and the clicking uvulas…
- Paul didn’t let his voice kick in!
- Can misophonia be treated? We think so…
- So can fibromyalgia - Mike’s treatment on this video
- Altocelarophobia also yields to hypnosis
- PYKTHOS is our company! We admit it.
- Richard Hill in Las Vegas was amazing! We have to get him to Toronto!
- Mirroring Hands is a remarkable treatment method…
- The Little Albert experiments from the 1920s with Dr John Watson was horrific!
- Snakes, amusement park rides, spiders, agoraphobia, mustard!
- Chris treated the fear of blood pressure being tested…
- You don’t always need to know the cause of a phobia!
A Special Report from Hypno North in Meaford Ontario, with roving reporter Brado...
- Sunday newsletter has nothing to sell!
- “Well, let’s see if you really care about people, or you’re just trying to make money!”
- Dick chant by Chris Thompson!
- Poor performance was anchored by her idiotic father…
- Be careful where you intervene. There can be consequences…
- The Great Romeo taught John Cholette…
- Ascendency of the senses and the deck of cards…Microscopic differences!
- Estabrooks said you can give a hypnotized person turpentine to drink and tell them it’s wine. Absolutely dangerous and irresponsible!
- Automatic Imagination Model and Dr Leno…
Empowering Question: Ask yourself what would be a reasonable fee to attend a hypnosis conference near Shallow Lake with Edderd and Dooter…
Metafive: Raining and people yelling stuff
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Important Links and Reminders: Check out HTLive.net and see us in Las Vegas!
- Come to the Architecture of Hypnosis in Toronto in November 2024! Book it here.
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's FREE.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.