September Man is visiting! Let's see what he has to say...
Introduction for Episode 257
Loochie? Yes.
Can you really stop us?
Can you stop us at all?
Charbonnel Lounge is well in the past now, but they can still remember us fondly!
Bite me crank, Matey!
Foundations Live starts up again in July!!! Join us.
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 257
- Most people lack situational awareness!
- No need for hypnotic depth scales!
- Roy Rogers is dead, he's in a coffin, just like Dracula
- Mike is a comic genius!
- Muscle testing can be rough on the joints!
- There is validity to it, and it goes back to Carpenter in 1852...
- "In my class we do it this way..." Nope.
- Harry Arons! My goodness...
- People are stuck in the past! Move on!!!
- We create trances that ebb and flow...
- Trances are not as stable as they seem to be...
- Stop staring at your notebook and calibrate the subject!
- Most people nowadays cannot notice trances in front of their own eyes!
- Dick chant is used on the late Harry Arons...
A Special Report from Hypno North in Meaford Ontario! Brado reporting...
- Lots of well-trained hypnotists have yet to see a single client!
- Check out
- If you're not working with clients yet, what's stopping you?
- If you want to learn to swim, you must eventually get into the water...
- Many hypnotists come to us because they've been taught to read scripts at subjects or some other cookbook/paint-by-number approach...
- How do you know when you're ready for clients?
- Check out our practice rooms, so you'll know you have the skills!
- "All self-doubt is internal!" - Mike Mandel
- Your website is your digital billboard!
- Set up missed call text back!
Empowering Question: Can you really stop us? Can you stop us at all?
Metafive: October: Mike Mandel, Chris Thompson, Michael C. Anthony and September Man in the Great White North!!!
Watch the Episode:
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Important Links and Reminders: Check out and see us in Las Vegas!
- Come to the Architecture of Hypnosis in Toronto in November 2024! Book it here.
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's FREE.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.