This can STILL be an awesome year for you! Keep watching...
Watch the Episode:
Introduction for Episode 247
There're ways to make everything great!
Whatever is on its way, Scro...don't worry about it.
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 247
- We're back in the studio!
- Let's recap the great techniques that will give you an awesome life, while dicking around...
- Mike's bringing music into his life! ONWARD!
- We're offering you to tools to have a great life!
- Architecture of Hypnosis is booking now for May 2014!
- Change your attitude for the year! Even if it feels unnatural!
- Help people have a great life!
- Watch out for hardening of the attitudes...
- Winning the lottery is not a good retirement plan...
- Bring back spasmodic coughing!
- What do you want to improve this year?
- "May you always have happiness!"
- Build your intellect!
- Drop emotional baggage!
- Mike might be the Waylon Jennings of hypnosis...
- Life is short!
- Age eighteen was the year of the Alice!
- You're responsible to be as fit, healthy, and wealthy as possible!
- Be the best YOU that you can be!
- We all act selfishly...
- "You can get anything you want out of life, if you help enough other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar
- How will you know you have achieved the goal?
- Is it achievable, realistic, and is there sufficient time?
- Is it ecological?
- Learn to use the morning!
- Go to bed at the same every night!
- Front end load the important or unpleasant stuff!
- Workouts don't need a lot of time!
- Put together don't have to think with do have to think activities...
- Change I HAVE to, to I GET to!
- There's nothing noble about lacking sleep!
- Make exercise part of your life as a process, not a goal...
- Stop eating stuff that isn't food!
- Eat what your grandparents would know as food!
- Snacks? Why???
- Eat and drink and stop by 7pm.
- Avoid the seed oils! We don't like hexane extraction...
- Learn to prioritize!
- Do something new every year!
- Examine your relationships. Which ones need maintenance?
- End toxic relationships!
- Practice positive self-talk...
- Chris behaves like an idiot, but isn't one!
- Do a periodic digital detox!
- Get out in nature! Use the fractals...
- Give back to others; either your resources or your time!
- Read, read and read!
- Reading is active, and television is passive!
- SQ3R method of learning is awesome...
- Learn to budget and save long-term...
- Invest your time learning to invest your money! - Chris Thompson
- Find a creative outlet! Music, writing, whatever...
- Mike's word is ONWARD again!
Empowering Question: As I think of this coming year with all its questions and uncertainty, what resources will I apply to my own life in order to have an absolutely brilliant year, starting right NOW...
Metafive: This is the metafive...
Get the free NUVI course here!
Important Links and Reminders: Check out and see us in Las Vegas!
- Come to the Architecture of Hypnosis in Toronto! Check it out here.
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's FREE.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.