This is really significant stuff, folks. Therapy is changing!
Watch the Episode:
Introduction for Episode 243
Let's get going folks! It's time for that good old podcast again...
You heard me...
And remember: We speak infallibly when it comes to hypnosis...and why?
Because These ARE days of victory!!!
Think Tank Time!
Think Tank Words for This Episode from Chat GPT
Show Notes for Episode 243
Here we go...let's get this beater boppin' podcast up and running...
- The hypnotic keelhaul induction! Run this rope under the desk...
- We are open for registration for the Architecture of Hypnosis, live in Toronto! May 27th to 31st. Go here for more information...
- The Master Class for the next training is already sold-out for May 2024. Next will be November 2024...
- Therapy is going in a really good down instead of bottom up!
- Beware of imposing your own model of the world on your clients!
- Hypnosis and anxiety are both nominalizations!
- Our friend Roy Hunter is big on client-centered therapy...
- We prefer discussion to being lectured...
- Bernheim used only DSiH, and got amazing results...
- Scott Sandland does stellar work because he is client-centered too!
- Esdaile had prestige too! Yes, we're back to the testicular tumors, folks!
- Take every penny you have, and put it on Lord Melbury's Ballgasm, in the 6th race at Belmont!
- Erickson used to be too direct in the beginning...
- Reveen was very direct!
- Paternal hypnotists often go in with an agenda...
- Erickson became very maternal over time...
- NLP changed everything by adding calibration, rapport, the Meta Model, etc.
- With rapport you can do near miracles...without it...not so much.
- Erickson was a psychiatrist who brought in the nominalizations, etc.
- The client's words are especially important! Use them...
- Bottom-up therapy is when the hypnotist is the locus of control...
- Top-down therapy starts and ends with the client...
- Clean Language from David Grove fits the bill perfectly!
- You only talk to the person, but it causes Aha moments and often resolution of the issue...
- People know their own metaphors...
- Let the metaphor come from the client's unconscious mind, not your conscious mind!
- Mirroring Hands by Rossi and Richard Hill is bizarre and absolutely wonderful!
- Mike's certified in Mirroring Hands!
- MINDSCAPING is Mike's finest work! The client's unconscious unlocks the problem...
- The unconscious creates a map in space around the client, which is then explored...
- Get a full box of hypnotic tools! Come and study with us, either live in Toronto, or online...
Today's Story: Dennis Bryce-Morgan and the brass thermometer...
Empowering Question: Since every human being practices some form of hypnosis, what are the areas of this art and science that contain gaps in my understanding, and what will I do to ensure I continue to learn and become a hypnotic rockstar?
Metafive: Beeftooth
Get the free NUVI course here!
Important Links and Reminders: Check out and see us in Las Vegas!
- Come to the Architecture of Hypnosis in Toronto! Check it out here.
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.