Mike Mandel and I reveal the secrets of dynamic presentation skills, so stay tuned!
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Introduction for Episode 240
So welcome to the center stage…
That neck-cranking, bag ripping, mannish boy…
Who’s also the Keith Richards of hypnosis!
Mike Mandel!!!
Today’s show is all about presentation - Onstage and offstage!
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 240
Here we go...And remember to check out Foundations LIVE...
- Presentation Skills, why?
- They map across to life! Keynotes, small group trainings, and social media too…
- Here are some keys…
- Start with the Mandel triangle
- Congruence, Confidence, Conviction
- You will have credibility - Bristol Myers Squibb story
- Don’t mumble and mutter! Speak clearly!
- Dentist at Grapho convention in Chicago
- Make eye-contact with members of your audience - Jordan Peterson story
- Remember to pause…it’s powerful!
- Be funny! Serious is boring…
- Stand tall - send strong body language
- Do not pace! - Casey in Winnipeg story
- Master the microphone! Countryman vs Bob Gray in the early days
- Watch out for repetitive gestures! - Guy with remote story
- Guy with glasses gesture he must have copied
- Moyer with toothpick
- Lose the word whiskers! They disempower you…
- Um, right?, okay? - Story from Great Courses “nKeh?”
- Have a point! Don’t ramble.
- Hit the stage with energy!
- Keep it simple! Recondite is bad…
- Dress the part. Don’t show up for an event in sweats (Mike Smith) Boris in tuxedo
- Know your material inside out - AoH prep story
- Use the whole stage or platform - No podiums
- Don’t swear or use racist, sexist terms or tell dirty jokes - IGAS dentist again
- Don’t drink alcohol before you present
- Know your audience! - Me at Mont Tremblant for Rogers
- McGarvey’s spatial anchoring story
- Absolutely NO Ken Sweatman stories!
- Don’t read your speech! PowerPoint sucked!
- Memory jogs are okay
- HypnoThoughts Live 2018 keynote - no notes
- Pull at the emotions without being maudlin
- They’ll remember the stories - AoH metaphors use
- No bizarre speech or presentation patterns - “What about your customers…” idiotic guy
- TOP when you’re done. (Royal York example) $56,250.000
Special Report: It's The Bastard Show with Charlie "Chuck" Waggen!
- Have someone record you and watch yourself critically
- This can be difficult
- The AS IF frame is a huge advantage for speakers and presenters - The Deacon example
- If taking questions, repeat them for the audience
- One on one is the same skills!
- Listen to the other person without interrupting
- Maintain rapport
- Remember: Good presentation skills are a leadership skill
- FINALLY: Read your audience and S
- Have someone record you and watch yourself critically
Empowering Questions: Ask yourself…What presentation skills will I adopt as part of my life today… and when I get good at this…how will I make it into something truly exceptional… and how will the impression I make on others…change and grow…along with my new abilities?
Metafive: The propane fill-up
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Important Links and Reminders: Check out HTLive.net and see us in Las Vegas!
- Come to the Architecture of Hypnosis in Toronto! Check it out here.
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.