What about hypnosis and AI? What about other stuff like allergies? Stay tuned...
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Introduction for Episode 227
Much of this podcast has not been written by a human being...
AI is awesome...except when it's trying to destroy humanity...
Welcome to the world of PYKTHOS! We make it easy for you, to make it easy for others!
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 227
Here we go...
- Mike has a horrible hypnosis voice...
- Automatic writing is called psychography...
- Needs a deep trance and a ballpoint pen held vertically...
- The hand writes from a different ego state!
- It's related to ideomotor signals...
- Mike produced automatic writing for a major brewery's focus group!
- Send us an email to info@mikemandelhypnosis.com and tell us your hypnopompic experience! You might win a prize...
- What about allergies with no known cause?
- An allergy is an inappropriate response by the immune system...
- It can be local or systemic...
- NLP has built-in hypnosis...
- The subject must produce a counter-example to the allergen...
- The counter-example must be close enough for the brain to make a connexion...
- Dr Viv fixed Rick Green's cat allergy over lunch!
- Cataleptic Declension induction rocks!
- It's way easier than the Hand Levitation Induction...
- By starting with tension, it relaxes even more...
- This is setting up catalepsy without ever stating it will happen...
- June 16th is the 10 year anniversary of the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy!
- Check out Igor Ledochowski's most recent book, Deep Trance Phenomena Vol 2 - Hypnotic Gifts. It's brilliant!
- You'll be able to help make people's lives better...
- Come over for dinner and you can perform for all my friends! As if.
- Somebody significant but nameless was talking about AI, because he'd bought our cards...
- He wondered if they could be used to teach AI how to hypnotize people...
- Mike met Biff from Back to the Future, and could take him...
- Our cards are not magical! But if you apply them, they'll work for you...
- Zebu cards, Jamie Smart's Salad cards, are other good examples!
- Our hypnotic language cards are reverse engineered, and are the patterns we use!
- Amazingly, learning copywriting will teach you the same patterns...
- Chat GPT knew some of Milton Erickson's patterns!
- Does it matter is AI models know what's on our cards? Not at all...
- We are a-political! We are neutral, like Switzerland, and we refuse to be triangulated!
- If hypnotic language was used all the time, people would get used to it and it would lose its power...
Tonight! On the Dallas/Fort Worth Network - Jenny and the Smooth One - Brought to you by Chat GPT!
- Once again, beware of triangulation! Even self-triangulation is bad...
Empowering Questions: What factoid or piece of information in this podcast...jumped out at you...and how will you apply the learnings to your life?
Metafive: The Hurricane and the phone call...
Ending: Reverse Engineering
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Important Links and Reminders:
- Come to the Architecture of Hypnosis in Toronto! Check it out here.
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.