How to Tell if You’re in a cult – Brain Software Podcast (Ep 221)

Are you in a cult? If you are, would you admit damn cultist?

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Introduction for Episode 221

Cults are fun! Provided you're not in one...So let's figure this out...

This is our first podcast from the Down Towner Hotel in Owen Sound Ontario!

And remember:



Think Tank Words for This Episode

  2.   SON

Show Notes for Episode 221

  • Watch out for canola oil, and all other seed oils for that matter...
  • Architecture of Hypnosis - 5 fantastic days in the Hypnotic World Epicenter, Toronto Canada, with Mike and Chris! 
  • "It's an unusual sort of cult, you can believe whatever you like, we don't want your money, and you can leave whenever you want." - Mike Mandel in a post Brit Jiu Jitsu pub visit at the Winchester Arms, circa 2008
  • Ted Patrick was the first deprogrammer of note!
  • Programming creates a reality tunnel built on your beliefs and biases...
  • Multiple reality tunnels create your Worldview!
  • We are not going to name cults! - We're telling you what they do!
  • Cults and religions are different from each other. Cults tend to be controlling!
  • Personal bias can contribute to controlling behaviour...
  • Lyndon Larouche was an economic cultist according to some people...
  • The Hale-Bopp comet was the source of the Heaven's Gate cult...
  • Jim Jones convinced many at Jonestown to drink poisonous Kool Ade
  • Cults have the "truth" or the "answer" because they practice elitism and exclusivity...
  • Mike and Chris saw a marketing cult in Las Vegas that's pyramidal...
  • Online surveys can be used to convince you that you need their product or service!
  • Beware of hypnosis trainers who tell you not to study with anyone else! That's cultic...
  • Cults often have charismatic leaders. The leader has arcane or powerful knowledge that you need!
  • Incremental delivery can win you over and indoctrinate you as you accept more and more of their Yes Sets and Compliance Sets!
  • REMEMBER: Good people empower and free you! Bad people disempower and control you!
  • You are a sovereign individual and have a right to be free and uncontrolled...
  • Cultists will isolate you from the influence of your friends and family!
  • Charles Manson at Spahn Ranch set up his Family in isolation to control them...
  • Cloistering can be another way of isolating you from the world...
  • Belief filters set up a confirmation bias...
  • Close friends and family members of cultists are a danger to the cult!
  • Cults keep you isolated from the news media and alternate information from what they teach...
  • Cults are secretive and have secrets!
  • Cults want your money, to pay for the steps you must follow to reach their version of enlightenment...
  • Cults LOVE you! At first...then they turn off the love to draw you in...
  • Love bombing will put your guard down. You'll feel like you finally belong!
  • Cults will control what you eat! They might even control your diet to affect your blood sugar...
  • Cults unhinge you from your actual friends and family. Then they become your new family, because we all need to belong!
  • Cults unhinge you with gaslighting and by confusing you! When you comply it stops and they've got you...
  • Cults use threats and intimidation to stop you leaving!
  • Cults will ruin your reputation if you leave! Some of them have huge legal teams...
  • When drumming comes and juju, a hand comes from the wall...
  • Initiation is another aspect of cults that isolates you even more. It's a huge RED FLAG.
  • Sleep deprivation, exhaustion, shunning, and ghosting...
  • If you're not allowed to talk about it, you're in a cult! Secrecy is a RED FLAG!
  • They emotionally break you down to an emotional crisis! The intention is to shut down the critical faculty. 
  • Cults are paranoid about the outside world, which is the noise that interrupts their truth...Truth is always absolute!
  • Something cannot be A and non A at the same time and in the same sense...
  • Cults do not disclose their finances! RED FLAG
  • Cults use circular reasoning: He's a great man of God! How do you know? Because he says he's a great man of God, and a great man of God wouldn't lie!
  • Cults lie to those who are not entitled to the truth!
  • Cult members who are charismatic are often involved in sexual abuse with members...
  • Hypnotic and indoctrinating techniques are used, including hyperventilation, mantras, drumming, and catch phrases: Don't trust what you see, trust what you feel!  Doubt your doubts! This is nonsense and a RED FLAG
  • A strong critical faculty is your best defence against the cults!
  • Question everything! Study how they're manipulating you. You are not immune!
  • Jedi Questions: How did you come to believe that? How do you know it's true?
  • "I just know!" is NOT an answer!
  • If you're in a cult...GET OUT!!!

Empowering Questions: Ask yourself: What will I do to safeguard myself and the ones I love from the influence of cultic behaviour?

Metafive: The Whaley House and the seeing-eye dog

Ending: Reverse Engineering

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Important Links and Reminders:

  1. We're back to teaching the Architecture of Hypnosis in Toronto! Check it out here.
  2. The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
  3. This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.