Hello and welcome to the Brain Software Podcast. This is episode #157 where we answer questions from YOU! An all mailbag edition to get all those key questions answered...
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Introduction for Episode 157
Greetings dear friends! Welcome to the Brain Software Podcast, where we polled our students and listeners for today’s content. This is a mailbag edition, but more importantly...To answer Dave Ambrose’s question:
Stick around and learn something cool...
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 157
- Nigel asks all about introjects! Ego states aren’t imaginary - they are part of your brain folks!
- Introjects can function like ego states...they are projections!
- Even a waterfall or car crash can be an introject!
- Anything you react to, you are reacting from an ego state that’s executive...
- Gollum in The Lord of the Rings has a conversation between ego states!
- Mike has introjects of his father! He hit that rock a billion times...
- You can dissociate from introjects with Fritz Perls’ method of using chairs...
- Introjects can speak, and this is mainstream!
- Noah asks if we can give a 2 minute pitch for hypnosis beginners? Chris says to use the As If Frame! And model pitches that you like from other people!
- Mark asks what you say when a past client returns and says the problem returned...Maybe you didn’t completely clear the initial sensitizing event!
- Ask “What changed in your life at the time it came back?”
- Another definition of insanity is doing a different thing and expecting the same result!
- If you have rapport and use the Meta Model you can get to the cause...
- Always remember that there might be a benefit for a behaviour coming back!
- Dr Manhattan asks how to create the ideal Mandel metaphor? Use impactful stories from your own life! Work backward and work from there...
- (Mike slips into hypnotic language here)
- Ken in Quebec asks about pranking friends with hypnotic language to steal their phone, etc.
- Answer: You can set up compliance sets, pattern interrupt them, use embedded commands, etc.
- The Henry Kissinger pattern interrupt explained...
- Mike uses a lot of yes sets and compliance sets!
And Now a Word From our Sponsor - The Shyzzjigg Corporation
- Patrik in Sweden asks about dealings with inflammation and IBS...
- Mike thinks Enneagram Sevens and Fives suppress negative emotions...
- When all else fails you can always go to (DSiH) Direct Suggestion in Hypnosis...(Always have them check with their doctor first!)
- Kenda wonders if there’s a form needed for online group sessions...Chris says it’s a good idea! Cover your butt and put your ecology and the client’s ecology first!
- Susie asks what recommendations we have for online sessions...Check out our blog navigation at mikemandelhypnosis.com on this very topic!
- Chris lists a ton of important stuff here...Fantastic and well-put!
Empowering Questions: Ask yourself: Since life is full of interesting questions, which ones will I remember to ask myself regularly to ensure that I am maximizing all that I do and all that comes my way?
Metafive: The math teacher who said Mike would fail...
Ending: The German Prisoner and the bottle of brandy
Important Links and Reminders:
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.