Welcome to Brain Software Podcast, Episode # 119 where we tale a short break from effective communication to interview the amazing Jacquins!
And check out the show notes below while you’re listening. Make sure you send in your questions, which will be used in future podcasts! And please come to Toronto and study with us, Pablo Honey. We miss you.
Here are the show notes:
Today from the UK we interview a pair of living hypnosis legends: Anthony Jacquin and his father Freddy Jacquin. We’ll return to the communication techniques next podcast.
But most importantly…
These are days of victory!!!
Stay tuned boyz and girlz…
- Free from Microsoft Windows forever! Mike is happy…
- The Jacquins are coming to teach in Toronto! Because we only train with the Best in the World!
- Interview with Anthony Jacquin is first; stay tuned for Part 2 with Freddy…
Empowering Questions: If you could get as close to a source of greatness as possible in any field of endeavour…who would you choose to learn from…and what’s preventing you from doing it? What is stopping you from getting to the place where you need to be…by learning from the best you can find?
Empowering Metafive: The Alarm and the All Clear
Ending: I wish I was in Bastard now!
Please leave a rating in iTunes, and send us your questions for future episodes! You can either email them as text or record them using your phone’s voice recorder and email us the audio file! Email address is info(at)mikemandelhypnosis.com
Important Links and Reminders:
The live class with the Jacquins is here. This will sell out.
Get our free rapid inductions tutorial because it’s really awesome!
Get our iPhone app NUVI at the App Store to learn Ericksonian language.
Come and join us at the Architecture of Hypnosis training in Toronto! We are accepting registrations for the June 24-28 and November 18-22 class in 2019.
See all of our upcoming live events here.