In Session 5 Mike Mandel handles many more of your questions. Here are the show notes:
- Dealing with sleep paralysis
- Full body catalepsy in stage hypnosis
- More about reality tunnels
- Positive and negative anchors (in NLP)
- Hypnosis for weight loss (or weight management)
- How often should you use hypnosis recordings?
- We also discuss the “castle” that everyone seems to want to visit from Mike’s CDs.
- Hellstromism – how to find hidden objects by having a subject’s mind guide you to it.
The closing metaphor for this session is “Poor Rupert”, which has a wonderful message for your unconscious mind.
Mike’s next hypnosis class happens in April 2012. Get the details at NLP Canada Training. Sign up early to get a spot!
Remember to go leave a rating in iTunes, and send in your questions by emailing questions (at) MikeMandelHypnosis (dot) com.