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 Learn more and get smarter faster. When you upgrade to the Brain Software Video Series you get 12 powerful videos for just one single payment of $7. You'll get immediate access inside of our gorgeous members area. Download the videos or watch them online.

Video #1: Introduction to the Brain Software Series.  This is a quick video to prepare you for what's coming.

Video #2: Key Presuppositions.  When you install these new ways of looking at the world into your brain, things get easier and more manageable. 

Video #3: Clear Outcomes.  There are some simple tricks to knowing how to formulate statements about what you want in life.

Video #4: Law of Requisite Variety.  The best outcomes come when you have multiple choices available.  Discover how to add choices to your life.

Video #5: Agreement is Not Action.  Agreeing something should happen is not good enough.  Go from just plain agreement to implementing with massive action.

Video #6: You are NOT Your Emotions.  You are not depressed or scared or stupid. Those are just emotions people feel.  Separate your identify of self from the emotions itself to get more powerful results!

Video #7: Representational Systems.  Knowing how people are processing the world around them helps you build rapport quickly.

Video #8: Eye-Access Cues.  People's eye movements give you the key to knowing what representational system's they are using. Mike even shows you a cool "lie detector" game.

Video #9: Rapport.  Knowing how to enter someone else's model of the world enhances your ability to influence them.

Video #10: Rapport Techniques.  Mike helps you put this into action by showing you ways to enhance rapport with others.

Video #11: Power Language:  You'll discover some of the most toxic words that destroy power AND what words to use instead, to gain much more control over the direction of a communication.

Video #12: Agree and Repeat Strategy:  Use it as a counter-intimidation technique, to avoid guilt or to get what you want out of an exchange with another person. Please use this ethically!